
[기타] 아시아연구소 동남아센터 동남아 전문가 초청강연 행사 개최

2023-10-12l 조회수 383
아시아연구소 동남아센터에서 아래와 같이 특별강연을 개최하오니 관심있는 인문대학 구성원의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

2023 동남아 전문가 초청강연 행사개최

  • 제목: 2023 동남아 전문가 초청강연- “Thailand ROK Relations Partnership and Potential into the Future”: On the occasion of 65th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties & 73 Years of Cooperation Between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Republic of Korea
  • 강연자: Dr. Witchu Vejjajiva (주한태국대사)
  • 일시: 10.12.() 2:30-4:00
  • 장소: 아시아연구소 영원홀
  • 주최: HK+사업단, 동남아시아센터


  • 강연 내용: The Kingdom of Thailand and the Republic of Korea have long enjoyed close and cordial ties, starting from Thailand’s participation in the Korean War in 1950, to the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations in 1958 and the signing of the Strategic Partnership Agreement in 2012. Most recently in November 2022, the leaders of the two countries witnessed the signing of the Joint Action Plan towards Strengthening Strategic Partnership. Still, the intensity of their cooperation in key areas, including economic, education, science and technology, remains moderate. For instance, ROK simply ranks 12th as Thailand’s trading partner in 2022 and 7th as Thailand’s foreign investor overall, while Thailand ranks merely 19th as ROK’s trading partner.

This Special Lecture aims to present collaboration potential existing in Thailand-ROK relations and greater benefits to result if both countries can work closely together to unlock this potential. It will also introduce some basic facts about Thailand and the development of its relationship with ROK throughout the 65 years of their bilateral ties and since Thailand participated in the Korean War 73 years back.


  • 강연자 소개:

1997 Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand

1999 Second Secretary, Department of East Asian Affairs

2001 Second Secretary, Royal Thai Embassy, Phnom Penh

2003 First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations and other international organizations, Geneva

2006 First Secretary, Department of ASEAN Affairs

2007 Counselor, International Security Unit, Office of Policy and Planning

2009 Counselor, Department of East Asian Affairs

2011 Minister Counselor, Royal Thai Embassy, Manama

2014 Director, North America Division, Department of American and South Pacific Affairs

2016 Deputy Director-General, Department of American and South Pacific Affairs

2019 Director-General, Department of American and South Pacific Affairs

2022 Ambassador of Thailand to the Republic of Korea



Time Table
2:15 pm Introduction of SNUAC Director room #301
2:30 pm Opening: Jong cheol KIM(SNUAC)
Welcome speech: Sun Young Kim(Office of International Affairs)
Hall of Yeongwon
2:40 pm Lecture
3:30 pm Discussion


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