
제임스 황 부교수 / James Whang
본교부임 : 2020년
전공 : 실험언어학
위치 : 3동 308호
전화 : 02-880-6171
메일 : jamesw@snu.ac.kr
제임스 황
  • 2017 뉴욕대학교 언어학과 언어학박사
  • 2007 UCLA 언어학과/동아시아언어문학과(일본언어문학전공) 문학사
  • 2017-2018 Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Modelling of Language Learning and Processing, Western Sydney University
  • 2018-2019 Postdoctoral Researcher, Universität des Saarlandes
게재연월 논문제목 학술지명 역할
202312 Feature-driven new sound category formation: computational implementation with the L2LP model and beyond Frontiers in Language Sciences 공동(교신)
202310 Australian English listeners' perception of Japanese vowel length reveals underlying phonological knowledge FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 공동(교신)
202308 Modeling a phonotactic approach to segment recovery: The case of Japanese high vowels 음성음운형태론연구 공동(제1)
202303 Spectral and temporal implementation of Japanese speakers? English vowel categories: A corpus-based study Laboratory Phonology 공동참여
202010 Language-dependent cue weighting: An investigation of perception modes in L2 learning SECOND LANGUAGE RESEARCH 공동참여
201904 Effects of phonotactic predictability on sensitivity to phonetic detail Laboratory Phonology 단독
201802 Recoverability-driven coarticulation: Acoustic evidence from Japanese high vowel devoicing JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 단독
201408 An acoustic study of trans-vocalic ejective pairs in Cochabamba Quechua Journal of the International Phonetic Association 공동참여
201402 Quantifier Words and Their Multi-functional(?) Parts LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS 공동참여
발행연월 제목(저서명) 발행처명
발표일자 학술대회명 발표제목 개최기관
20231221 International Workshop on Phonetic and Phonological Processing and Learning Quantifying crosslinguistic differences in phonetic feature informativity Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences; Center for Education of Global Communication
20230909 한국음운록학회 강독회 Tackling integration of multi-level phonology - The case of Japanese high vowels 한국음운록학회
20230819 Interspeech 2023 Quantifying phonetic informativity: An Information Theoretic approach International Speech Communication Association
20230619 Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences Predictability effects on phonetic cue manipulation University of Tsukuba
20230526 Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 2023 Quantifying Phonetic Informativity: An Information Theoretic Approach Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language
20210108 Séminaires de Recherches en Phonétique et Phonologie The mechanisms and consequences of high vowel deletion in Japanese Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie
20201021 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Effects of acoustic similarity in the MMN response during L2 speech perception Society for the Neurobiology of Language
20200707 17th Conference on Laboratory Phonology Acoustic consequences of vowel deletion in devoicing environments Association for Laboratory Phonology
20200525 The 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 Effects of Surprisal and Boundary Strength on Phrase-final Lengthening Speech Prosody Special Interest Group
20190805 The 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences Perception of Japanese vowel length by Australian English listeners International Congress of Phonetic Sciences
20190805 The 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences Non-native vowel perception in a 4IAX task: The effects of acoustic distance International Congress of Phonetic Sciences
20181007 Annual Meeting on Phonology 2018 Reconciling CV phonotactics and high vowel deletion in Japanese University of California, San Diego
20180518 Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 2018 Syllabification of consonant clusters by L1 Japanese L2 English speakers 한양대학교
20180518 Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 2018 Effects of cognitive development in speech perception 한양대학교
20161105 41st Boston University Conference on Language Development Phonotactics and alternations in the acquisition of Japanese high vowel reduction Boston University
20161014 24th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference The role of phonotactics and alternations in the acquisition of Japanese high vowel reduction National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
20160715 15th Conference on Laboratory Phonology Targetless /u/ in Tokyo Japanese Cornell University
20160714 15th Conference on Laboratory Phonology Illusory epenthesis and recoverability-conditioned sensitivity to phonetic detail Cornell University
20160409 PhoNE 2016 Recoverability-conditioned sensitivity to phonetic detail in cross-language perception New York University
20140727 14th Conference on Laboratory Phonology Acoustic effects of predictability and gender on Japanese high vowel reduction National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
20140507 167th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Effects of predictability on vowel reduction Acoustical Society of America
20100206 36th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society Perception of illegal contrasts: Japanese adaptations of Korean coda obstruents University of California, Berkeley
연구기간 연구과제명 지원기관
2022-03-01 ~ 2025-02-28 [연구지원금]Analysis on Cognitive Bias Sources in Human Language Processing for Human-like AI Development and Big Data Analytics 민간기관
2022-03-01 ~ 2025-02-28 [연구지원금]Analysis on Cognitive Bias Sources in Human Language Processing for Human-like AI Development and Big Data Analytics 민간기관
2020-04-01 ~ 2022-03-31 Interaction of articulatory and acoustic manipulations during speech production and perception 서울대학교
활동기간 기관 직책
활동기간 제목 직책
활동기간 제목 직책
구분 활동기간 내용 비고