
공유진 조교수 / Youjin Kong
본교부임 : 2024년
전공 : 사회철학, 젠더·인종 철학, 인공지능 윤리
위치 : 6동 314호
전화 : 02-880-8066
메일 : youjinkong@snu.ac.kr
“Social Identity at the Margins: A Decolonial Approach.” The Routledge Handbook of Non-Ideal Theory (2024)
“Intersectional Feminist Theory as a Non-Ideal Theory: Asian American Women Navigating Identity and Power.” Ergo (2023)
“Recreating Asian Identity: Yellow Peril, Model Minority, and Black and Asian Solidarities.” APA Studies on Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies (2023)
“Are ‘Intersectionally Fair’ AI Algorithms Really Fair to Women of Color? A Philosophical Analysis.” FAccT: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (2022)
Keynote Panel Speaker: "Implementing Intersectionality in Algorithmic Fairness." ACM FAccT Conference, June 2022.
“(Un)Fairness in AI: An Intersectional Feminist Analysis.” Blog of the American Philosophical Association, Women in Philosophy Series (2022)
“Evolutionary Psychology, Rape, and the Naturalistic Fallacy.” 철학연구 (2021)
“‘Non-Idealizing Abstraction’ as Ideology: Non-Ideal Theory, Intersectionality, and the Power Dynamics of Oppression.” Social Philosophy Today (2017)
“Feminism and Historicist Universalism: A Critical Analysis of Richard Rorty’s Anti-Universalism.” The Pluralist (2017)
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