
Vanessa Lim 조교수 / Vanessa Lim
본교부임 : 2022년
전공 : English Renaissance
위치 : 3동 318호
전화 : 02-880-6077
메일 : vanessalim@snu.ac.kr
Vanessa Lim
Shakespeare, early modern English literature, classical rhetoric in the Renaissance
  • 2020 PhD in History and English, Queen Mary University of London
  • 2015 M.A., the History of Political Thought and Intellectual History, Queen Mary University of London and University College London
  • 2014 B.Sc.,Politics and Philosophy, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • 2022-현재 서울대학교 영어영문학과 조교수
게재연월 논문제목 학술지명 역할
202304 Decisions to leave: a semi-fictional essay Critical Quarterly 단독
202303 ‘Fashion it thus’—Construal in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar— 서양고전학연구 단독
202303 ‘Fashion it thus’—Construal in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar— 서양고전학연구 단독
발행연월 제목(저서명) 발행처명
발표일자 학술대회명 발표제목 개최기관
20231028 Shakespeare Association of Korea 60th Anniversary Conference "The True Force of Speech": The Greek Council Scene in Troilus and Cressida Shakespeare Association of Korea
20230217 Shakespeare Association of Korea colloquium The play’s the thing’: Rhetorical Deliberation in Shakespeare’s Hamlet Shakespeare Association of Korea
20221130 Practices of Privacy Inner Dialogue in English Renaissance Prose Fiction Dutch Academy
20221125 Institute of Classical Studies Colloquium Rome and Rhetoric in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar Institute of Classical Studies
20220805 International Society for the History of Rhetoric 23rd Biennial Conference Brutus’s Soliloquy in the Orchard: A Locus Communis Oration Radboud University Nijmegen
20220711 영어영문학과 영문화권연구소 콜로퀴움 The play’s the thing’: Rhetorical Deliberation in Shakespeare’s Hamlet 서울대학교 영어영문학과
20220517 Youths That Thunder Fashion it thus’: Brutus’s Soliloquy in the Orchard Shakespeare’s Globe
연구기간 연구과제명 지원기관
2022-09-01 ~ 2023-08-31 언어사용과 시지각에서 법주판단과 관계판단의 인지신경과학적 기제에 대한 통합적 이해 서울대학교
2022-04-01 ~ 2025-03-31 Shakespeare’s Deliberative Art 서울대학교
활동기간 기관 직책
활동기간 제목 직책
2024-01-01 ~ 2026-12-31 The Arden Shakespeare 4th Series Fellow Editorial Board Member
2023-01-01 ~ 2024-12-31 International Society for the History of Rhetoric 24th Biennial Conference Conference Programme Committee Member
2023-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31 Journal of Greco-Roman Studies Editorial Board Member
2022-03-01 ~ 2023-12-31 Korean Society for the History of Rhetoric Director of Foreign Affairs
2022-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31 Shakespeare Survey Editorial Board Member
2022-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31 Korean Society for the History of Rhetoric Director of Foreign Affairs
2022-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31 Shakespeare Survey Editorial Board Member
2022-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31 Shakespeare Survey Editorial Board Member
2024-01-01 ~ 2026-12-31 The Arden Shakespeare 4th Series Fellow Editorial Board Member
2023-01-01 ~ 2024-12-31 International Society for the History of Rhetoric 24th Biennial Conference Conference Programme Committee Member
2023-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31 Journal of Greco-Roman Studies Editorial Board Member
2022-03-01 ~ 2023-12-31 Korean Society for the History of Rhetoric Director of Foreign Affairs
활동기간 제목 직책
구분 활동기간 내용 비고