제임스 황 부교수 / James Whang
본교부임 : 2020년
전공 : 실험언어학
위치 : 3동 308호
전화 : 02-880-6171
메일 : jamesw@snu.ac.kr

- 2017 뉴욕대학교 언어학과 언어학박사
- 2007 UCLA 언어학과/동아시아언어문학과(일본언어문학전공) 문학사
- 2017-2018 Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Modelling of Language Learning and Processing, Western Sydney University
- 2018-2019 Postdoctoral Researcher, Universität des Saarlandes
게재연월 | 논문제목 | 학술지명 | 역할 |
202312 | Feature-driven new sound category formation: computational implementation with the L2LP model and beyond | Frontiers in Language Sciences | 공동(교신) |
202310 | Australian English listeners' perception of Japanese vowel length reveals underlying phonological knowledge | FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY | 공동(교신) |
202308 | Modeling a phonotactic approach to segment recovery: The case of Japanese high vowels | 음성음운형태론연구 | 공동(제1) |
202303 | Spectral and temporal implementation of Japanese speakers? English vowel categories: A corpus-based study | Laboratory Phonology | 공동참여 |
202010 | Language-dependent cue weighting: An investigation of perception modes in L2 learning | SECOND LANGUAGE RESEARCH | 공동참여 |
201904 | Effects of phonotactic predictability on sensitivity to phonetic detail | Laboratory Phonology | 단독 |
201802 | Recoverability-driven coarticulation: Acoustic evidence from Japanese high vowel devoicing | JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | 단독 |
201408 | An acoustic study of trans-vocalic ejective pairs in Cochabamba Quechua | Journal of the International Phonetic Association | 공동참여 |
201402 | Quantifier Words and Their Multi-functional(?) Parts | LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS | 공동참여 |
발행연월 | 제목(저서명) | 발행처명 |
발표일자 | 학술대회명 | 발표제목 | 개최기관 |
20231221 | International Workshop on Phonetic and Phonological Processing and Learning | Quantifying crosslinguistic differences in phonetic feature informativity | Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences; Center for Education of Global Communication |
20230909 | 한국음운록학회 강독회 | Tackling integration of multi-level phonology - The case of Japanese high vowels | 한국음운록학회 |
20230819 | Interspeech 2023 | Quantifying phonetic informativity: An Information Theoretic approach | International Speech Communication Association |
20230619 | Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences | Predictability effects on phonetic cue manipulation | University of Tsukuba |
20230526 | Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 2023 | Quantifying Phonetic Informativity: An Information Theoretic Approach | Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language |
20210108 | Séminaires de Recherches en Phonétique et Phonologie | The mechanisms and consequences of high vowel deletion in Japanese | Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie |
20201021 | 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language | Effects of acoustic similarity in the MMN response during L2 speech perception | Society for the Neurobiology of Language |
20200707 | 17th Conference on Laboratory Phonology | Acoustic consequences of vowel deletion in devoicing environments | Association for Laboratory Phonology |
20200525 | The 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020 | Effects of Surprisal and Boundary Strength on Phrase-final Lengthening | Speech Prosody Special Interest Group |
20190805 | The 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences | Perception of Japanese vowel length by Australian English listeners | International Congress of Phonetic Sciences |
20190805 | The 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences | Non-native vowel perception in a 4IAX task: The effects of acoustic distance | International Congress of Phonetic Sciences |
20181007 | Annual Meeting on Phonology 2018 | Reconciling CV phonotactics and high vowel deletion in Japanese | University of California, San Diego |
20180518 | Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 2018 | Syllabification of consonant clusters by L1 Japanese L2 English speakers | 한양대학교 |
20180518 | Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 2018 | Effects of cognitive development in speech perception | 한양대학교 |
20161105 | 41st Boston University Conference on Language Development | Phonotactics and alternations in the acquisition of Japanese high vowel reduction | Boston University |
20161014 | 24th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference | The role of phonotactics and alternations in the acquisition of Japanese high vowel reduction | National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics |
20160715 | 15th Conference on Laboratory Phonology | Targetless /u/ in Tokyo Japanese | Cornell University |
20160714 | 15th Conference on Laboratory Phonology | Illusory epenthesis and recoverability-conditioned sensitivity to phonetic detail | Cornell University |
20160409 | PhoNE 2016 | Recoverability-conditioned sensitivity to phonetic detail in cross-language perception | New York University |
20140727 | 14th Conference on Laboratory Phonology | Acoustic effects of predictability and gender on Japanese high vowel reduction | National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics |
20140507 | 167th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America | Effects of predictability on vowel reduction | Acoustical Society of America |
20100206 | 36th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society | Perception of illegal contrasts: Japanese adaptations of Korean coda obstruents | University of California, Berkeley |
연구기간 | 연구과제명 | 지원기관 |
2022-03-01 ~ 2025-02-28 | [연구지원금]Analysis on Cognitive Bias Sources in Human Language Processing for Human-like AI Development and Big Data Analytics | 민간기관 |
2022-03-01 ~ 2025-02-28 | [연구지원금]Analysis on Cognitive Bias Sources in Human Language Processing for Human-like AI Development and Big Data Analytics | 민간기관 |
2020-04-01 ~ 2022-03-31 | Interaction of articulatory and acoustic manipulations during speech production and perception | 서울대학교 |
활동기간 | 기관 | 직책 |
활동기간 | 제목 | 직책 |
활동기간 | 제목 | 직책 |
구분 | 활동기간 | 내용 | 비고 |