
Peter W. Milne 부교수 / Peter W. Milne
본교부임 : 2011년
전공 : 프랑스미학
위치 : 6동 303호
전화 : 02-880-8523
메일 : pwmilne@snu.ac.kr
Peter W. Milne
  • 2009 Ph.D., Philosophy, Emory University
  • 2001 M.A., Philosophy, K.U. Leuven
  • 1999 B.A., Philosophy, University of British Columbia
  • 2011 본교 부임
게재연월 논문제목 학술지명 역할
202009 Temporality and the Lyotardian Sublime: Kant between Husserl and Freud Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 단독
201912 Taking the Body as Model: Lyotard and Reflection 철학 단독
201410 Enframing: Art’s Epoche and the Promethean Community 탈경계인문학Trans-Humanities 단독
202001 In Statu Nascendi: Subjectivity and the Beautiful in Lyotard. 美學(미학) 단독
201307 Exceeding the given: Rewriting Lyotard'S aesthetics Cultural Politics 단독
201307 What to paint? Cultural Politics 공동참여
201202 A Cosmopolitical Philosophy to Come: Derrida and the Ends of Humanity 탈경계인문학 단독
발행연월 제목(저서명) 발행처명
201703 Acinemas: Lyotard's Philosophy of Film [공저] Edinburgh University Press
201604 Traversals of Affect: On the Works of Jean-François Lyotard [공저] London & New York: Bloomsbury
201601 Questioning the Sustainability of Knowledge and Art Seoul National University Museum of Art
201309 Jean Francois Lyotard: Les ecrits sur l’art contemporain et les artistes/Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists. [공저] Leuven University Press [벨기에 루뱅]
201307 Special Issue: Rewriting Lyotard: Figuration, Presentation, Resistance [공저] berg publishers [미국]
201301 Rereading Jean Francois Lyotard: Essays on His Later Works Ashgate [UK]
201209 Jean-Francois Lyotard: Les ecrits sur l'art contemporain et les artistes/Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists [공저] Leuven University Press [europe]
201206 Jean-Francois Lyotard: Les ecrits sur l'art contemporain et les artistes/Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists.6 Volumes [공저] Leuven University Press [europe]
201206 Jean-Francois Lyotard: Les ecrits sur l'art contemporain et les artistes/Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists [공저] . Leuven University Press [europe]
발표일자 학술대회명 발표제목 개최기관
20230907 The 14th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association for Philosophy in the Continental Tradition “The Forgotten: Home and Homeless in the ‘Late’ Lyotard.” Pacific Association for Philosophy in the Continental Tradition (PACT)/Seattle University
20191017 Rethinking the Thing in the 21st Century Thinking Things: Technology, (Im)materiality, and the Ends of Anthropocentrism Department of Aesthetics, College of Humanities, Seoul National University
20190419 American Philosophical Association 2019 Pacific Division Meeting The Intractable: Lyotard’s Post-Colonialism and the Energy of Resistance Amercian Philosophical Association
20181006 The 10th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association for Philosophy in the Continental Tradition “The Other Side of the Wall: Thinking (in) the West beyond the West.” University of San Francisco; California State University Stanislaus
20171117 2017 Annual International Conference of the Ewha Institute for the Humanities Techno-ecologies? The Condition of the Humanities in an Age of Information Ewha Womens University
20171020 56th annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy The Intractable: Capitalism and the Energy of Resistance University of Memphis
20170929 Ninth Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association for Philosophy in the Continental Tradition Praescriptum: Kafka’s Two Bodies University of San Francisco
20170531 Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture 2017 The Becoming-World of the World: Cosmopolitanism’s Deconstruction Ryerson University
20160915 Eighth Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association for Philosophy in the Continental Tradition “The Intractable: Capitalism and the Energy of Resistance.” University of Hawaii at Hilo, Department of Philosophy
20160728 20th International Congress of Aesthetics: Art and Mass Culture “The Sublime is not (Always) Postmodern: the Work of Art in the Era of Mass Culture.” Seoul National University Department of Aesthetics, Korean Society of Aesthetics
20160520 Questioning Sustainability Relay Lectures “The Sustainability of Knowledge in the Age of Information.” SNU Museum of Art
20150505 Invited paper, Department of Philosophy, Towson University 반성으로서의 비판철학 Towson University, Department of Philosophy
20150206 Invited paper, Department of Philosophy, California State University, Stanislaus 반성으로서의 비판철학 California State University, Stanislaus
20141023 the 53rd annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy A New Kind of Sublime: Lyotard, Kant, and the ‘Begebenheit of Our Time' the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
20141002 the Sixth Meeting of the Pacific Association for Philosophy in the Continental Tradition Authorization: Lyotard’s Sovereign Image the Pacific Association for Philosophy in the Continental Tradition
20140507 the Acinemas: Aesthetics and Film in the Philosophy of Jean-Francois Lyotard conference Authorization: Lyotard’s Sovereign Image University of Dundee
20131128 파이데이아 홍릉 오프라인 공개특강 “Enframing: Politics and Sensibility in Recent French Thought.” 경희사이버대학교 교양학부
20130322 the Traversals of Affect conference “A New Kind of Sublime: Traversing Affect and Obligation.” Emory University
20120927 the Fourth Meeting of the Pacific Association for Philosophy in the Continental Tradition “The Secret of Reflection: Lyotard’s Elemental.” Volcanoes National Park/University of Hawaii at Hilo
20120531 . “Enframing: Politics and the Sensible in Recent French Thought.” Underwood International College, Yonsei University
20111228 Proceedings and Addresses of The American Philosophical Association Aesthetics and Experience The American Philosophical Association
연구기간 연구과제명 지원기관
2017-05-01 ~ 2018-04-30 본성 없는 미학 : 리오타르의 칸트주의적 숭고 교육부
2016-05-01 ~ 2017-04-30 본성 없는 미학 : 리오타르의 칸트주의적 숭고 교육부
2015-05-01 ~ 2016-04-30 본성 없는 미학 : 리오타르의 칸트주의적 숭고 교육부
2011-11-01 ~ 2012-10-31 리오타르의 숭고: 본성없는 미학 서울대교내연구비
활동기간 기관 직책
활동기간 제목 직책
활동기간 제목 직책
구분 활동기간 내용 비고