
정선우 부교수 / Jeong Sunwoo
본교부임 : 2019년
전공 : 실험언어학
위치 : 3동 309호
전화 : 02-880-9039
메일 : sunwooj@snu.ac.kr
운율/화용론 인터페이스
  • 2018 Stanford University 언어학과 언어학박사
  • 2013 서울대학교 인문대학 언어학과 문학석사
  • 2011 서울대학교 인문대학 언어학과 문학사
  • 2018-2019 Princeton University 인문학연구원 선임연구원
게재연월 논문제목 학술지명 역할
202312 Methods for PoLaR Explorations with Machine Learning: Grammatical Analysis of Intonation without Grammatical Labels Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 공동참여
202303 Focused NPIs in Statements and Questions Journal of Semantics 공동(제1)
202102 Deriving Dual Dimensions of Bias: Preposed Negation Questions with EVEN Journal of Semantics 단독
202105 Deriving politeness from an extended Lewisian model: The case of rising declaratives JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS 단독
202103 Identity construction through gendered terms of addresses in Korean Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 공동(제1)
202103 Prosodically-conditioned factive inferences in Korean: An experimental study Semantics and Linguistic Theory 단독
202009 The effect of prosody on veridicality inferences in Korean New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 단독
201912 Preposed negation questions with strong NPIs Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 49) 단독
201904 Endorsement of Inconsistent Imperatives Linguistic Society of America 공동(제1)
201901 The role of context in sociolinguistic perception Linguistic Vanguard 공동참여
201805 Intonation and Sentence Type Conventions: Two Types of Rising Declaratives Journal of Semantics 단독
201808 Causatives and Inchoatives in Korean: A Unified Account Japanese/Korean Linguistics 단독
201805 QUD effects on epistemic containment principle: An experimental study Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22 단독
201804 Imperatives and intonation: The case of the down-stepped level terminal contour Proceedings of the 35th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 35) 공동(제1)
201709 Iconization of sociolinguistic variables: The case of archetypal female characters in classic Hollywood cinema Dimensions of Iconicity 단독
201702 Imperatives with the calling contour Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistic Society 공동(제1)
201609 Intonational sentence-type conventions for perlocutionary effects: An experimental investigation Semantics and Linguistic Theory 공동(제1)
201606 Conventions in prosody for affective meanings: Non-canonical terminal contours in English polar interrogatives Speech Prosody 단독
201212 Directional asymmetry in nasalization: a perceptual account 음성·음운·형태론연구 단독
202303 Focused NPIs in Statements and Questions Journal of Semantics 공동(제1)
발행연월 제목(저서명) 발행처명
발표일자 학술대회명 발표제목 개최기관
20221230 UCLA Mini-course Meanings of Melodies: Intonation at the Interfaces Department of Linguistics, UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles)
20220518 ELM 2 (Experiments in Linguistic Meaning 2) To honor or not to honor: Korean honorifics with mixed status conjoined subjects University of Pennsylvania
20220307 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (formerly the ‘CUNY Conference on Human Sentence How Meaningful These Intonational Contours Are! University of California, Santa Cruz
20210410 The 39th meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 39) Systematic ‘Stray’ Focus Stress in English? ApparentLY! The University of Arizona
20210107 The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America Identity construction through gendered terms of addresses in Korean Linguistic Society of America
20200818 Semantics and Linguistic Theory 30 Prosodically-conditioned factive inferences in Korean: An experimental study Cornell University
20191112 Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 16 (LENLS 16) The effect of prosody on veridicality inferences in Korean Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI)
연구기간 연구과제명 지원기관
2021-05-17 ~ 2025-01-31 Collaborative Research: Exploring Variation in English Intonational Acoustic Phonetics from Grammatical Perspectives 국외기관
2019-10-01 ~ 2021-09-30 한국어와 영어에서의 운율현상 및 의미현상 분석: 실험언어학적 접근 서울대학교
활동기간 기관 직책
활동기간 제목 직책
활동기간 제목 직책
구분 활동기간 내용 비고