
Siavash Saffari 부교수 / Siavash Saffari
본교부임 : 2016년
전공 : 중동 및 이슬람 연구
위치 : 5동 413호
전화 : 02-880-6281
메일 : ssaffari@snu.ac.kr
Siavash Saffari
시아바시 사파리 교수는 2016년 서울대학교 아시아언어문명학부의 서아시아언어문명전공 조교수로 부임하였다. 콜롬비아 대학의 중동, 남아시아, 아프리카 전공에서 박사후 연구원으로 지냈다. 현재 근대 이란 지성사, 19세기 이후 이슬람 사상, 근대성과 식민성의 역사에 대해 가르치고 있다. Beyond Shariati: Modernity, Cosmopolitanism and Islam in Iranian Political Thought (Cambridge University Press, 2017)라는 제목으로 관련 연구서가 출간되었다.
  • . Ph.D., University of Alberta
게재연월 논문제목 학술지명 역할
202401 Political Islam and emancipatory politics: snapshots of Islamic liberation theology Politics, Religion & Ideology 단독
202308 Tawhid Paradigm and an Inclusive Concept of Liberative Struggle Religions 단독
202301 R. İhsan Eliaçık: Anti-Capitalist Islamic Thought in Turkey Globalizing Political Theory 단독
202212 R. İhsan Eliaçık Anti-Capitalist Islamic Thought in Turkey Globalizing Political Theory 단독
202210 Mystical Solidarities: Ali Shariati and the Act of Translation Philosophy and Global Affairs 공동참여
202210 Thought/Translation and the Situations of Decolonization Philosophy and Global Affairs 공동참여
202007 Review of Khalil Maleki: The Human Face of Iranian Socialism, by Homa Katouzian (London: Oneworld Publications, 2018) Iranian Studies 단독
201902 东方主义、欧洲中心主义与文明论思想: 阿里·沙里亚蒂与爱德华·萨义德之比较 史学理论研究 단독
201912 Ali Shariati and Cosmopolitan Localism Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 단독
201810 Review of India, Modernity and the Great Divergence: Mysore and Gujarat (17th to 19th C.), by Kaveh Yazdani (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2017) Review of Radical Political Economics 단독
201811 Oscillating between ‘East’ and ‘West’: Muhammad Iqbal and an Islamic Recasting of Modernity 인문논총 단독
201706 Charity or Mass Mobilization? Public Religion and the Struggle for Economic Justice Iran’s Struggles for Social Justice: Economics, Agency, Justice, Activism 단독
201710 Two Pro-Mostazafin Discourses in the 1979 Iranian Revolution Contemporary Islam 단독
201604 Can the Subaltern be Heard?: Knowledge Production, Representation and Responsibility in International Development Transcience Journal 단독
발행연월 제목(저서명) 발행처명
201704 Unsettling Colonial Modernity in Islamicate Contexts Cambridge Scholars Publishing
201704 Unsettling Colonial Modernity in Islamicate Contexts Cambridge Scholars Publishing
201703 Beyond Shariati: Modernity, Cosmopolitanism and Islam in Iranian Political Thought Cambridge University Press
201702 Beyond Shariati: Modernity, Cosmopolitanism, and Islam in Iranian Political Thought Cambridge University Press
201701 Iran's Struggles for Social Justice: Economics, Agency, Justice, Activism [공저] Palgrave Macmillan
발표일자 학술대회명 발표제목 개최기관
20220831 Biennial conference of the Iranian Studies Association Between Critique and Acquiescence: Marxism, Islam, and the Ambivalent Secularism of the Tudeh Party University of Salamanca
20220830 Biennial conference of the Iranian Studies Association The Question of Religion Traced through Generations of the Left University of Salamanca
20201106 Transformations and Futures in Asia Asia, “the West,” and Postcolonial Visions of the World Seoul National University Asian Center
20200915 Islamic Socialism in the Global South Transnational Formations of Islamic Socialism in Iran Islamic and Middle East Studies Center at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
20200804 International Society for Iranian Studies Biennial Conference The Iranian Left: Continuity and Change across Three Generations University of Salamanca
20190624 From the French Revolution to the ‘Candlelight Revolution’: Toward a Global History of Revolutions Iranian Revolution, Religion, and Social Justice: The Ambivalent Relationship between Islamists and the Poor Academy of Korean Studies
20190427 Imagining Indigenous and Glocal Democratic Socialism: Freedom, Social Justice and Civil Spirituality Public Religiosity and Emancipatory Politics: Toward an Islamic Intersectional Theology University of Alberta
20190419 Annual Conference of the Western Political Science Association Author-Meets-Critics panel on Beyond Shariati: Modernity, Cosmopolitanism and Islam in Iranian Political Thought Western Political Science Association
20181108 Islamic Reform and Progressive Politics in the Age of Extremism and Neoliberalism Islamic Reform and Progressive Politics in the Age of Extremism and Neoliberalism 서울대학교 아시아연구소
20180815 International Society for Iranian Studies Biennial Conference Iranian Left and the Question of Religion: A Comparative Reading of Taqi Arrani and Bijan Jazani International Society for Iranian Studies
20180530 Understanding the 2017-18 Iran Protests Understanding the 2017-18 Iran Protests GCC institute at Dankook University
20180517 Orientalism, Neo-Orientalism and Post-Orientalism: In African, Middle East, Latin American, Asian/Ch Orientalism, Eurocentricity, and Civilizational Thinking: Comparing Edward Said and Ali Shariati Center for Global Studies, Shanghai University
20180425 Illiberal International Order The Middle East and the Liberal International Order Asan Institute of Policy Studies
20180420 아시아지역리뷰 DiverseAsia 제1회 콜로키움 Iran Protest: Changing Dynamics Between the Islamic Republic and the Poor 서울대학교 아시아연구소
20180214 Islamic Reform and Emancipatory Politics Islamic Reform and Emancipatory Politics in the Age of Extremism and Neoliberalism University of Alberta
20180127 Religious reform in context Religious Reform as an Emancipatory Social Project Ali Shariati Cultural Foundation
20171124 International Tricontinental Conference: The Postcolonial Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East Decolonial Articulations of Modernity and Cosmopolitanism: Reading Shariati in Dialogue Yeditepe University
20171124 Beyond Shariati: Modernity Cosmopolitanism, and Islam in Iranian Political Thought Reclaiming Revolutioinary Islam IDE-Istanbul Think House
20171122 Middle East Studies 2017 Challenges and Prospects of a Leftist Revival in Iran DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center)
20170626 AAS-in-Asia Unsetting Modern Subjectivity: Muhammad Iqbal and an Isalmic Critique of the Enlightenment Association for Asian Studies
20170602 2017 Annual Meeting of the Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture Association Cosmopolitanism and Its Postcolonial Discontents: Dussel, Mignolo, and Beyond. Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture Association
20170601 Annual meeting of the Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture Association Cosmopolitanism and Its Postcolonial Discontents: Dussel, Mignolo, and Beyond Exitential and Phenomenlogical Theory and Culture Association
20170417 7th International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society: Understanding Globalism, Respect Shanpshots of a Shi'i Liberation Theology International Society of Religion & Spirituality
20170222 Beyond Shariati: Modernity, Cosmopolitanism, and Islam in Iranian Political Thought Iranian Political Thought from a Global/Dialogical Perspective Iranian Sociology Association, and the Institute for Culture, Arts, and Communications
20170202 The Iranian Sociology Association, and the Institute for Culture, Arts, and Communications Iranian Political Thought from a Global/Dialogical Perspective The Iranian Sociology Association
20161202 DAKAM International Conference on Middle East Studies Snapshots of an Iranian Shi'ite Liberation Theology DAKAM
20160803 11th International Society for Iranian Studies Religion and Struggles for Justice: Snapshots of an Iranian Shi'i Liberation Theology Biennial Conference
연구기간 연구과제명 지원기관
2021-02-01 ~ 2023-01-31 [저술]Spirit and Defiance: Ali Shariati in Translation 서울대학교
2016-04-01 ~ 2018-03-31 An Unfinished Project: The Quest for Modernity from Below in Iran 서울대학교
활동기간 기관 직책
활동기간 제목 직책
활동기간 제목 직책
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