Yoo Yohan Professor
Appointed at SNU : 2006
Major : Comparative Studies of Religions
Location : bldg.5 / Room.409
Tel : 02-880-1485
Email : yohanyoo@snu.ac.kr
Comparative religion, theories of religion
- 2005 Ph.D., Religious Studies, Syracuse University
- 2002 M.A., Religious Studies, Syracuse University
- 1999 B.A., Religious Studies, Seoul National University
- 2006-present Appointed at Seoul National University
- 2019.7-present President, The Association of Korean Literature and Religion
- 2018.7.-present Associate Dean (Planning), College of Humanities, SNU
- 2018- Steering committee member, the branch of Korean religion, AAR
- 2017-2018 General Affairs Director, Korean Association for Religious Studies
- 2011- Board member, SCRIPT
- 2010-2011 Associate Dean, SNU Students Dormitory