
Lee Poong Shil Assistant Professor
Appointed at SNU : 2024
Major : Analytic Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind
Location : Building 6, Room 404
Tel : 02-880-6221
Email : hbz2@snu.ac.kr
2022. ‘Co-filing and de jure co-referential thought in the mental files framework.’ Erkenntnis 87(1): 309-345 (DOI 10.1007/s10670-019-00196-1)
2021, ‘On our understanding of singular negative statements: a defense of shallow pretense theory.’ Philosophia 49: 2133-2155 (DOI 10.1007/s11406-021-00340-8)
2018, ‘Mental Files, Concepts, and Bodies of Information.’ Synthese 195(8): 3499-3518 (DOI 10.1007/s11229-017-1381-4)

2022, ‘고유명의 지칭에 대한 이름사용관행 중심 이론’, 『철학』 153집, 한국철학회 (English title: ‘A name-using-practice-based theory of reference about proper names’)
2022, ‘고유명과 이름사용관행에 관한 세인즈베리의 지칭 이론 비판’, 『철학적 분석』 48집, 한국분석철학회 (English title: ‘A critical discussion of Sainsbury’s theory of reference about proper names and name-using practices’)
2021, ‘고유명은 자연언어 표현이 아닌가? –유창성 논증, 번역불가능성 논증, 국지성 논증에 대한 비판-’ 『철학사상』 76, 서울대학교 철학사상연구소 (English title: ‘Are proper names not natural language expressions? –criticisms of the competence argument, the untranslatability argument, and the locality argument-’)
2021, ‘맥킨지의 책임전가기술구 전략에 대한 재고’ 『철학』 148집, 한국철학회 (English title: ‘A defense of McKinsey’s theory of reference appealing to buck-passing descriptions’)
2020, “에반스의 지배적 원천 이론과 디키의 비판” 『철학사상』 76, 서울대학교 철학사상연구소 (English title: ‘Evans’ dominant source theory and Dickie’s criticism’)
  • 2017 Ph.D., Philosophy, Stanford University
  • 2007 M.A., Philosophy, Seoul National University
  • 2005 B.A., Philosophy, Seoul National University
  • 2020.3-2024.8 Assistant professor of Kyunghee University