CH Announcement

Guide for International Students Subscribing to National Health Insurance

March 9, 2021l Hit 887
 International Students staying in Korea are subject to a mandatory subscription to National Health Insurance from March 1, 2021.
 Please check the attached Materias in the below LInk.

외국인 유학생 건강보험제도 변경사항 안내(Guide for International Students Subscribing to National Health Insurance) - 공지사항 - 인문소식 - 서울대학교 인문대학 (

 If you have any question, please contact the number below.
  1577-1000 (Dial 7 for information on foreign languages)
  033-811-2000 (Service in foreign languages -English, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Uzbek- available)
  * Service Hours: 9:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM on weekdays