College of Humanities, 1st Announcement of Faculty Openings, 2020
College of Humanities at Seoul National University invites applicants for tenure-track.
○ Number : 2
○ Application Period : March 25(Wed), 2019 ~ April 10(Fri), 2020
For more information, Please refer to the attached announcement for details.
Files (4)
- (붙임2)+2020-1차+교원채용+공고문+2020+Spring+Recruitment+Notice_Kor_Eng.pdf (324 KB, download:1065)
- (붙임2-1)파일탑재메뉴얼_Manuals+for+Uploading+FIles+(College+of+Humanities).pdf (115 KB, download:797)
- (붙임2-2)신규공채+지원+FAQ+_인문대+CoH_ver.1.4(Kor_Eng).pdf (196 KB, download:802)
- (붙임2-3)총괄연구업적현황_Full_List_of_Research_Achievements_SNU.xlsx (19 KB, download:2558)